Yutaro to Star in FOD Drama Series ‘Kataomoi no Kare no Tame ni Sousashitetara, Itsunomanika Meitantei ni Narimashita. (Temporary)’


Yutaro will star in the FOD (Fuji on Demand) drama series Kataomoi no Kare no Tame ni Sousashitetara, Itsunomanika Meitantei ni Narimashita. (Kari)
(I was Investigating a Case with my Crush, and I Suddenly Became a Great Detective (Tentative)) airing on October 20, 2022. The actor will play the rookie detective Haruto Oshima.

The series will be shown for the first time at ad:tech Tokyo 2022, one of Asia’s largest marketing conferences. Fuji TV will host an exhibit for the first time this year and will show video footage before and after it is converted to digital. The drama series was produced to show off the new iCADs digital streaming service that will include advertising information along with video footage.

Nanami Edo is a college student in love with history because of her grandfather, who she adores. One day, rookie detective Haruto Oshima, who Nanami has a major crush on, asks her to help him investigate who has been throwing water balloons. The victims–Oishi, Fuwa, Hazama, Kataoka, and Yoshida–have nothing in common, and it’s unclear why they were targeted. How will Nanami find the culprit with such little information? What will the unexpected outcome be?

FOD Drama Series Kataomoi no Kare no Tame ni Sousashitetara, Itsunomanika Meitantei ni Narimashita. (Kari)
(I was Investigating a Case with my Crush, and I Suddenly Became a Great Detective (Tentative))

Streaming Date: October 20, 2022 at 12:00
Starring: Riko, Yutaro
Script: Kou Sano
Planning/Production: Kazuo Nomura
Chief Producer: Kenichi Sawada
Director: Ken Higurashi

Streaming Page (Free)