The film adaptation of Shoujo wa Sotsugyou Shinai (The Girl Won’t Graduate) will open in theaters nationwide on February 23, 2023. Inspired by the short stories of Naoki Prize-winning author Ryo Asai, the movie will star Takuma Usa.
The film will be directed and written by Shun Nakagawa, whose short film Kalanchoe won 13 awards at film festivals around Japan.
Shoujo wa Sotsugyou Shinai takes place at a high school about to close and marked for demolition. The film takes place over the two days leading up to the graduation ceremony, in which four girls will say farewell to their school and their love–two things that once encompassed their entire world. Takuma Usa will play Kensuke Terada, the boyfriend of Goto, one of the girls at the center of the story.
Everyone knows what it feels like to graduate and to break up with someone. Both the joy and sadness of falling in love are etched in these girls’ hearts as they move forward in this new coming-of-age romance film. Get ready for a hint of nostalgia when the film releases in February 2023.
Shoujo wa Sotsugyou Shinai (The Girl Won’t Graduate)
Release Date: February 23, 2023
Today, I say goodbye. I say goodbye to school and goodbye to love–the two things that made up my entire world.
The story begins two days before the final graduation ceremony at a local high school that is about to be demolished.
In a school filled with the scent of farewells, four girls prepare to say goodbye to the life they knew.
With painful acceptance, each girl gives form to their hidden feelings.
One girl struggles with her boyfriend, who is preparing to walk a different career path.
One girl has had a crush on a classmate since middle school.
One girl is secretly in love with a teacher. However, Manami, who is in charge of the farewell speech for the graduating class, has feelings that she can never convey…
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© 朝井リョウ/集英社・2023 映画「少女は卒業しない」製作委員会