Harajuku-based fashion magazine Zipper, which ceased publication in 2017, will return in print quarterly. The first issue will go on sale on March 23, 2022.
Zipper was first published in 1993 as a way to say “NO!” to traditional style. It continued to inspire creative minds for 24 years until it ceased publication in 2017, and many Harajuku-based celebrities and influencers cite the magazine as a major source of inspiration over the years. The rebirth of the magazine is being spearheaded as a joint venture between DONUTS Inc. and ASOBISYSTEM after years of fan requests.
The commemorative first issue will feature girls’ group BiSH on the cover, and the girls will also take center stage in a six-page special feature. The first feature will feature plenty of what Zipper is known for–Harajuku street photography. The magazine is filled with unique talents who are looking toward the future of Tokyo’s style. The theme, simply put, is “I decide what’s fashionable!” The grand prize winner of the Zipper model audition will also be announced in the first issue.
Along with an updated print version of the magazine, ASOBISYSTEM and DONUTS Inc. have come together to bring Zipperto the web to help bring Harajuku fashion culture to the world more easily. Click the links below to visit the official Zipper website, YouTube channel, TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter.