An original virtual world titled ‘KPP Crossing,’ inspired by the PONPONPON music video by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, has been added to the popular online game Fortnite using UEFN (Unreal Editor for Fortnite). The battle royale title has over 500 million players worldwide.
Produced by the Multi-Verse Entertainment Studio MetaTokyo, KPP Crossing features four games: Kawaii Athletic, Horror House Treasure Hunt, Sky Arena, and Merry-go-round Shooting. Players can accumulate PON PON POINTs by playing these games and competing for total points while exchanging accumulated points for items in the world’s shop area. Additionally, multiplayer gameplay is possible and players might even encounter Kyary Pamyu Pamyu herself while playing!
Experience the colorful and whimsical world of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu’s music while playing this hugely popular game.
■Game Map Details
Game Title: KPP Crossing
Release Date: May 1, 2024 at 12:00
Platform: Fortnite
Map Code: 1100-7869-4658
Capacity: 1 to 16 players
Cost: Free to play
Access KPP Crossing by entering the map code (1100-7869-4658) in Fortnite on PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PC, or Android.
If you already have an EPIC ID, click “Add to Playlist” from the URL to add it to your favorites.